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Get Your Yellow Fever Vaccination in Buxton, Derbyshire

Get Your Yellow Fever Vaccination in Buxton

If you’re looking for a yellow fever vaccination in Buxton, Derbyshire you can visit our travel clinic at Tideswell Pharmacy. Our travel clinic offers a wide range of vaccinations including yellow fever. So, if you are looking to get vaccinated before you jet off on your newest adventure then please give us a call, we can help you prepare for your journey!

So, what is Yellow Fever?

Yellow fever is a viral disease that is transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito. It is a serious illness that can cause fever, chills, headaches, muscle aches, and even organ failure. The good news is that there is a vaccine available that can help prevent yellow fever and it is available directly from our pharmacy. In this blog, we will discuss everything you need to know about it and how you can get the yellow fever vaccination in Buxton, Derbyshire.

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What is the Yellow Fever Vaccine and how does it work?

The yellow fever vaccine is a live attenuated vaccine, which means that it contains a weakened form of the virus. The vaccine stimulates your immune system to produce antibodies that protect against the virus. The vaccine is administered as a single dose and provides immunity for up to 10 years. It is recommended for individuals who are travelling to areas where yellow fever is endemic or for individuals who are at high risk of exposure to the virus.

Who should or shouldn’t have the yellow fever vaccine?

If you are planning to travel to a tropical or sub-tropical country, you may need to be vaccinated against yellow fever. Countries in sub-Saharan Africa, Central and South America and also the Caribbean are most likely to be in the yellow fever zone. You can find out more about which countries have yellow fever vaccination requirements at the NHS Fit for Travel website. In order to travel to some countries, a yellow fever vaccination may be mandatory. If you are unsure if you require a yellow fever vaccination, please contact our team at Tideswell Pharmacy for advice. It is important to take steps to prevent mosquito bites even if you have been vaccinated against yellow fever. This is because mosquitos can carry other diseases.

Most people can safely receive the yellow fever vaccination. However, there are some exceptions:

– Pregnant or breastfeeding women
– Babies under 9 months
– People over 60 years of age
– People with weakened immune systems such as those currently undergoing chemotherapy
– Anyone who is allergic to the vaccine ingredients including people with an egg allergy
– People with thymus gland conditions

It may be possible to get a certificate of exemption for some of the above conditions. However, pregnant or breastfeeding women or people with babies under 9 months are advised to delay their trips until they are able to receive a vaccination.


yellow fever vaccination buxton


High-Risk Yellow Fever Areas

Countries in Africa with Risk of Yellow Fever Transmission

Angola | Equatorial Guinea | Mauritania
Benin | Ethiopia | Niger
Burkina Faso | Gabon | Nigeria
Burundi | Gambia | Senegal
Cameroon | Ghana | Sierra Leone
Central African Republic | Guinea | South Sudan
Chad | Guinea-Bissau | Sudan
Republic of Congo | Kenya | Togo
Cote d’Ivoire | Liberia | Uganda
Democratic Republic of Congo | Mali

Countries in Central and South America with Risk of Yellow Fever Transmission

Argentina | French Guiana | Suriname
Bolivia | Guyana | Trinidad and Tobago (Trinidad only)
Brazil | Panama | Venezuela
Colombia | Paraguay
Ecuador | Peru

How can I book a yellow fever vaccination at Tideswell Pharmacy?

You can book an appointment online via our travel clinic website.

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It’s important to note that you will need to receive your yellow fever vaccination at least 10 days before you travel. So, please take this into account when booking your appointment.


yellow fever vaccination derbyshire


What can I expect at my appointment?

The service will be provided in a private consultation room. Our specially trained staff will talk you through the procedure including the possible side effects. All vaccinations carry risks but generally, these side effects are no worse than having a headache or fever for a couple of days.

The yellow fever vaccination is one injection into the upper arm. The vaccination is a single-dose vaccine meaning it does not require a course of injections or follow-up appointments to be effective. The vaccinated area may remain tender for a couple of days after receiving the dose.

Yellow fever vaccinations give lifelong protection. However, some people may occasionally require booster doses of the vaccine. Once you have received it, you will be issued with a vaccination certificate.

Will I get a yellow fever vaccination certificate?

Vaccination certificates are only available at a yellow fever vaccination centre, such as Tideswell Pharmacy. Our pharmacist will issue you a vaccination certificate after you receive your yellow fever vaccine. The certificate will be valid from 10 days after your vaccination. This ensures that the vaccine has had time to become effective before you jet off.

Book Your Yellow Fever Vaccination In Buxton, Derbyshire

Our travel clinic in Buxton offers a range of travel services to the local area, including Derbyshire. If you are planning a trip to a country in the yellow fever zone, it is likely that you will also need medicine to stop you from getting malaria. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff will happily provide you with these drugs at your yellow fever vaccination appointment.

Book now to get your yellow fever vaccination and prepare for your next trip!

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This blog post was written on behalf of Tideswell Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.